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Helpful Tips on Keeping Calm

It is common to experience feelings of nervousness or anxiety before an event, such as a performance, test, or presentation. As a parent or guardian of a child, there are many strategies you can use to help your child stay calm and composed before such an event. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Encourage deep breathing: Teach your child to take slow, deep breaths from the belly, as it can help to calm their nervous system and relax their body.

  2. Positive self-talk: Encourage your child to think positively and focus on their strengths. Have them repeat phrases like “I can do this” or “I am prepared” to help them feel more confident and calmer.

  3. Practice visualization: Encourage your child to visualize themselves performing successfully in the event. This can help to reduce anxiety and build confidence.

  4. Use calming activities: Engage your child in calming activities such as listening to music, doing some light exercise, or reading a book. This can help to reduce their stress and help them stay focused.

  5. Establish a routine: Establishing a pre-event routine can help your child feel more comfortable and in control. This routine can include activities that help them relax and prepare mentally and physically for the event.

  6. Ensure adequate rest: Make sure your child gets adequate sleep the night before the event. This can help them feel more refreshed, focused and less anxious.

  7. Avoid caffeine and sugar: Caffeine and sugar can increase anxiety and make it harder to keep calm. Avoiding these substances before an event can help your child stay calm and focused.

  8. Arrive early: Arriving early can help your child feel more comfortable in the environment and provide them with some extra time to prepare and practice before the event.

  9. Provide reassurance: Let your child know that you believe in them and that you are proud of them. Providing this type of reassurance can help reduce anxiety and build confidence.

  10. Celebrate efforts: Celebrate your child's efforts, regardless of the outcome of the event. Recognize that the event is just one part of a larger journey, and there are always opportunities to learn and grow from the experience.