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Eason Exclusive Sampler: Joyrider by Angela Scanlon

Author, tv presenter and and host of the podcast Thanks A Million, Angela Scanlon shares her guide to tapping into your own natural super resource - joy in her refreshing new book Joyrider. At, we are delighted to share this sneak preview sample from the book wherein Angela discusses the power of desire and it's link to our ability to find happiness. 

Shout It, Sing It, Share It, Spread It

Don’t underestimate the power of desire. Desire is your North Star. Of course you desire many material things and that’s cool; I love nice shit . . . I really LOVE IT. But deep soul desire is different to pimping your life with delicious things you don’t really need. Your desire will guide you to where you need to go, help you find your path and stay on it. You will never desire something you are not capable of manifesting into your life. It may take a slightly different form, show up in a different way but your desires are yours; they are clues to how your life could be.

I used to think if I trucked along quietly, out of sight, under the radar, I would be safer. If I stayed blasé about the things I longed for and never fully expressed how much I wanted to do/be/have something in my life then no one (not even me) could see when I failed. When the wish remained unfulfilled, at least I could skulk away quietly; I could feast on the failure and shame in private, alone. Somehow that would be less painful; at least no one would know. But the problem with never expressing out loud what you want is that, if it doesn’t happen, you’re alone (which was the plan), but if it DOES happen, you’re alone too. You
commiserate and celebrate on your own. Both your sorrow and joy are experienced only by you. No holding up but also no cheering.

The comfort you crave, or the elation you long to share, become solitary experiences. The disappointment isn’t less but the enjoyment of a win is massively diminished. Brené Brown puts it brilliantly in The Gifts of Imperfection : ‘I learned that playing down the exciting stuff
doesn’t take the pain away when it doesn’t happen. It does, however, minimise the joy when it does happen.’ We don’t exist in isolation; our joys and sorrows are made infinitely
more bearable, more memorable and more meaningful, when we let others in.

You do not have to diminish your joy to protect others. Dimming your light, shrinking yourself, giving away your power – none of these things will make you more loveable or less threatening to the right people. If you allow yourself to step away from fear and into the wholeness of who you are, you will also ignite that spark in all those you meet. You will give them permission to step into the fullness of who they are too.